Clusius Tulip Vodka
Clusius Tulip Vodka is handmade in Holland from tulip bulbs and grain. A pristine and smooth vodka with gentle mineral tones, fresh floral aromas and a subtle nutty twist. Serve neat, straight up or create delicious cocktails with a unique story to tell.
70cl 40% abv
Category: vodka
(orange flower)
Clusius Tulip Vodka is an exclusive handmade Dutch vodka made from tulip bulbs, grain and natural filtered water from Holland’s sand dunes. This crystal clear water is known worldwide for it’s purity. A pristine and smooth vodka with gentle mineral tones, fresh floral aromas and a subtle nutty twist. All tulip bulbs used for the alcohol production are fermented and distilled by hand. We use only 100% Dutch tulips, no sugars are added during or after the fermentation and distillation process. Serve neat, straight up or create delicious cocktails with a unique story to tell.
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